2024 PAP Report
2024 PAP Program
PAP Archives
The Power Affiliates Program (PAP) was initiated in January 1979 as part of a major effort to strengthen the power and energy systems area. The original objectives were to:
- Maintain stimulating, meaningful and high quality undergraduate and graduate programs in electric power engineering.
- Increase university-industrial interaction at all levels of education and research in electric power engineering.
These objectives are as much valid today as they were in 1979. The multi-faceted activities in 2023 under the PAP umbrella clearly were in support of these objectives. Throughout the past forty five years, the Power Affiliates Program has maintained a stable financial base during times of rapid change in the power industry. This base provided the seed money for research, which led to additional funding by other sources. This base has also made it possible for students to be exposed to industrial problems and to participate in technical and professional meetings. With the cyclical nature of funding by government agencies, the Power Affiliates Program is a critically important source of support.
The Power Affiliates Program is the foundation of the industrial liaison effort in the Power and Energy Systems Area. The following companies are associated with the PAP at present: