Power Area People


Arijit Banerjee

Email arijit@nospam679427756212a.illinois.edue
Title Associate Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4042 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Subhonmesh Bose

Email boses@nospam6794277562f0e.illinois.edu
Title Associate Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4058 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia

Email aledan@nospam6794277563987.illinois.edu
  • M. Stanley Helm Professor
  • William L. Everitt Scholar
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4044 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

George Gross

Email gross@nospam67942775643e3.illinois.edu
Title Professor Emeritus
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4052 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Kiruba Sivasubramaniam Haran

Email kharan@nospam6794277564e7a.illinois.edu
  • Grainger Chair and Director of CEME
  • Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4048 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Philip T. Krein

Email krein@nospam67942775659eb.illinois.edu
  • Grainger Endowed Chair Emeritus in Electric Machinery
  • Electromechanics and Research Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4050 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Olga Mironenko

Email olgamiro@nospam6794277566456.illinois.edu
Title Teaching Assistant Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4066 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Jonathon Kenneth Schuh

Email schuh4@nospam6794277567293.illinois.edu
Title Teaching Assistant Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4066 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Andrew Stillwell

Email andrewrs@nospam67942775686bf.illinois.edu
Title Assistant Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4054 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Richard Zhang

Email ryz@nospam6794277569072.illinois.edu
Title Assistant Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4056 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801


Ulas Coskun

Email ucoskun@nospam679427756ab3b.illinois.edu
Title Research Engineer
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4040 ECEB
306 N. Wright St., MC-702
Urbana, IL 61801

Joyce Mast

Email jmast@nospam679427756d35a.illinois.edu
Title Program Administrative Assistant
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4060 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Robin Smith

Email rsmth@nospam679427756ff46.illinois.edu
Title Office Manager
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4060 ECE Building
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Postdoctoral Research Associates

Uijong Bong

Email bong@nospam67942775736c3.illinois.edu
Title Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 4064 ECEB
306 North Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Power Grad Students

Temitope Amuda

Email tamuda2@nospam679427757b0e3.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia

Listowell Appiah

Email lappiah3@nospam679427757b1b5.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Nina Ayer

Email ninaa2@nospam679427757b297.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Parag Bajaj

Email paragb2@nospam679427757b358.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Arjit Bali

Email arjitb2@nospam679427757b417.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell

Anubhav Bose

Email bose15@nospam679427757b4d4.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Abhiroop Chattopadhyay

Email ac33@nospam679427757b58f.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Pete Sauer

Soumil Chaubal

Email soumilc2@nospam679427757b648.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Hong-Ming Chiu

Email hmchiu2@nospam679427757b707.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang

Aria Delmar

Email adelmar2@nospam679427757b7cf.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell

Joshua Feldman

Email jmfeldm2@nospam679427757b88b.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Andrew Freeman

Email af29@nospam679427757b942.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell

Arda Guclu

Email aguglu2@nospam679427757b9fb.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose

Iven Guzel

Email iguzel2@nospam679427757baa6.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang

Boya Hou

Email boyahou2@nospam679427757bb5f.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose

Chun Ying Hou

Email cyhou2@nospam679427757bc0b.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang

Victoria Jeziorczak

Email vej2@nospam679427757bcbf.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Furkan Karakaya

Email furkank2@nospam679427757bd76.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Talal Khalid

Email mkhalid4@nospam679427757be3c.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Pete Sauer

Anuj Maheshwari

Email anujm3@nospam679427757bf39.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Raya Mahony

Email rmahony2@nospam679427757bfe7.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Philip Krein

Matthew Qi

Email mqi6@nospam679427757c09d.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee

Himalaya Rautela

Email rautela2@nospam679427757c158.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

T. G. Roberts

Email tgr2@nospam679427757c22e.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia

Tamer Rousan

Email trousan2@nospam679427757c2ed.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Pete Sauer

Anjana Samarakoon

Email spa5@nospam679427757c3da.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Yaokun Shi

Email yaokuns2@nospam679427757c48d.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Eric Silk

Email esilk2@nospam679427757c547.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia

Michael Stoens

Email mstoens2@nospam679427757c5fd.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Nicole Stokowski

Email nicole25@nospam679427757c6b5.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell

William Vavrik

Email wvavrik2@nospam679427757c77e.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell

Yijun Wang

Email yijinw3@nospam679427757c833.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose

Brian Wolhaupter

Email brianaw2@nospam679427757c8ea.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Peter Xiao

Email jxiao14@nospam679427757c9a2.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Kiruba Haran

Gavin Zhang

Email jialun2@nospam679427757ca51.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Richard Zhang