Electric Power Distribution System Modeling and Analysis
Tamer Rousan, Manager
DER Integration & Strategies
Distribution Operations, Ameren – Illinois
Abstract: This lecture series is focused on electric power distribution systems and associated smart grid technologies. It will provide a practical industry perspective and discuss new issues associated with renewable energy resources and microgrids.
Speaker’s Bio: Tamer Rousan obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2010, the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2017. He is the recipient of EPRI’s 2014 Technology Transfer Award. He is currently the Manager of DER Integration and Strategies at Ameren Illinois.
2019 Grainger Lecture Series Topics
1. Introduction to distribution systems (1 hour)
- Typical components and topology
- Operations and policy
- Differences and similarities with transmission systems
2. Electric Loads (1 hour)
- Definitions, characteristics, and distribution models
- Static ZIP load modeling
- Three-phase induction machine
3. Unbalanced distribution line segment modeling (2 hours)
- Series impedance/shunt admittance of overhead and underground lines
- Ground effects
- Exact and approximate line segment models
4. Three-phase system component modeling (2 hours)
- Voltage regulators and feeder voltage regulation
- Three-phase transformer models
- Shunt capacitors
5. Unbalanced distribution system power flow (3 hours)
- Approximate method based on voltage drop
- Three-phase power flow analysis
- Alternative approaches: DistFlow and branch current flow
6. Special topics (3 hours)
- Renewable integration
- Microgrids
- Impacts of electric vehicles
- Enhanced load models and load control