February 19: Prof Hsiao-Dong Chiang, School of ECE, Cornell University, Feasible Region of Optimal Power Flow: Theory, Methods, Bifurcations and Applications
February 26: Hanchen Xu, Data-driven Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources || Presentation and Zitao Liao, A 991 %, 490-W/in3, Front-End-Based Power Factor Correction for a 7-Level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converter || Presentation
March 5: Samuel Utomi, Hardware-In-The-Loop Implementation of the Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources to Provide Frequency Regulation Services || Presentation
March 12: Madi Zholbaryssov, Distributed Frequency Control Over Time-Varying Communication Networks, ||Presentation and Jason Galtieri, Modified Ripple Correlation Control for Predictable Photovoltaic Off-Maximum Power Point Tracking ||Presentation
April 2: Phuc Huynh, Design of an Ac-Dc System with Partial Power Being Processed on Active Rectifiers, and Nathan Brooks, Critical Comparison of Grid-Tied LED Driver Performance Metrics from a Survey of Consumer A-type LED Luminaires
April 9: Shivang, Switched Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Machines for Wide-Speed Range Applications, and Margaret Blackwell, Dynamic Level Selection for Full Range ZVS in Flying Capacitor Multi-Level Converters
April 16: Bonhyun Ku, Distributed and Scalable Electromechanical Actuation for Agile Systems || Presentation
April 23: Prof Johanna Mathieu, University of Michigan Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Real-Time Energy Disaggregation of a Distribution Feeder’s Demand Using Online Learning
September 10: Madi Zholbaryssov, Distributed Generation Control Over Time-Varying Communication Networks in Microgrids
September 17: Robert Carritte, Principal Officer at MPR Associates, Inc, Large Power Transformers—Project Planning and Design Considerations
September 24: Aaron Anderson, Progress Building a High-Efficiency, High-Specific-Power Motor for Aircraft Electrification
October 1: Dr Aaron Stein, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Dartmouth College, High-Q Power Magnetics for Resonant Power Conversion and Wireless Power Transfer
October 8: Prof Jonathan W Kimball, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Topics and Challenges in Utility Interactive Systems
October 15: Erica Tsypin, Co-Founder, Mobility, Exelorate Growth, Exelon Corporate Innovation, The Electron as We Know It, is Changing
October 22: Prof Al-Thaddeus Avestruz, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Wireless Power Transfer: Energy Anytime and Anywhere
October 29: Dr Alireza Khaligh, Director, Maryland Power Electronics Laboratory, University of Maryland at College Park, Integrated Onboard Chargers and Advanced Power Electronics for Transportation Electrification
November 5: Olaolu Ajala, A Library of Second-Order Models for Synchronous Machines, and Phuc Huynh, Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Validation of an Ac-Dc System with Partial Power Processed by an Active Rectifier
November 12: Prof Daniel Costinett, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), Designing Power Electronics in Discrete Time
November 26: Prof Gabriel A Rincón-Mora, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Energizing and Powering Microsystems
December 3: Shivang, Brushless Triply-Fed Reluctance Machines, and B H Min, A Trade Study on Motor Types for Large HVAC Systems with Integrated Motor-Compressors
December 10: Prof John Donnal, United States Naval Academy, WATTSWORTH: No Watt Left Behind