Temitope Amuda
Email tamuda2@nospam67b31b2d74201.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia
Listowell Appiah
Email lappiah3@nospam67b31b2d742e7.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Nina Ayer
Email ninaa2@nospam67b31b2d743af.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Parag Bajaj
Email paragb2@nospam67b31b2d744db.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Arjit Bali
Email arjitb2@nospam67b31b2d745a5.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell
Anubhav Bose
Email bose15@nospam67b31b2d7466b.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Abhiroop Chattopadhyay
Email ac33@nospam67b31b2d7472e.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Pete Sauer
Soumil Chaubal
Email soumilc2@nospam67b31b2d747f1.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Hong-Ming Chiu
Email hmchiu2@nospam67b31b2d748bb.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang
Aria Delmar
Email adelmar2@nospam67b31b2d74987.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell
Joshua Feldman
Email jmfeldm2@nospam67b31b2d74a48.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Andrew Freeman
Email af29@nospam67b31b2d74b05.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell
Arda Guclu
Email aguglu2@nospam67b31b2d74bc8.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose
Iven Guzel
Email iguzel2@nospam67b31b2d74c7f.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang
Boya Hou
Email boyahou2@nospam67b31b2d74d5e.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose
Chun Ying Hou
Email cyhou2@nospam67b31b2d74e20.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Richard Zhang
Victoria Jeziorczak
Email vej2@nospam67b31b2d74edf.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Furkan Karakaya
Email furkank2@nospam67b31b2d74fa0.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Talal Khalid
Email mkhalid4@nospam67b31b2d75055.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Pete Sauer
Anuj Maheshwari
Email anujm3@nospam67b31b2d75109.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Raya Mahony
Email rmahony2@nospam67b31b2d751bf.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Philip Krein
Matthew Qi
Email mqi6@nospam67b31b2d7527c.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Arijit Banerjee
Himalaya Rautela
Email rautela2@nospam67b31b2d7533d.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
T. G. Roberts
Email tgr2@nospam67b31b2d75439.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia
Tamer Rousan
Email trousan2@nospam67b31b2d754f1.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Pete Sauer
Anjana Samarakoon
Email spa5@nospam67b31b2d755aa.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Yaokun Shi
Email yaokuns2@nospam67b31b2d7565e.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Eric Silk
Email esilk2@nospam67b31b2d75720.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia
Michael Stoens
Email mstoens2@nospam67b31b2d757dd.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Nicole Stokowski
Email nicole25@nospam67b31b2d7589d.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell
William Vavrik
Email wvavrik2@nospam67b31b2d7597b.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Andrew Stillwell
Yijun Wang
Email yijinw3@nospam67b31b2d75a38.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Subhonmesh Bose
Brian Wolhaupter
Email brianaw2@nospam67b31b2d75b07.illinois.edu
Title Graduate Student
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Peter Xiao
Email jxiao14@nospam67b31b2d75bc9.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Kiruba Haran
Gavin Zhang
Email jialun2@nospam67b31b2d75c80.illinois.edu
Office Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Richard Zhang